Enroll at the PHREEDOM ACADEMY - Elite Online Christian life, relationship and business strategy education at its finest!

Be Set Phree at Phreedom Academy!

Listen to the origin story of the founder/principal of (Jan, 2024-Present), creator of the Think Phreely Gifted Program and Phree Shares Inc.(1999-life), Toronto Poets (active 2002-2010), the Increase the Peace campaign 2002-life, Dream Decade Challenge (2010-Life), (2011-Present), Dream Livers Club Inc.(Incorporated 2018, operating as and this decade, launching as Dream Livers Club in 2030)

Sprint-Principal’s High School Valedictory Address - 1996

Work online from Anywhere in the digital age!

The Phreedom Academy helps you rise to be healthy, wealthy and wise and live your God-given dreams. We help you to discover your God-given assignment and write it down, preparing you to do work you love (careers, jobs and businesses of today and the future) that you were created to do, while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ (story about Phree Shares Inc. is at; business plan is at, from anywhere in the phree world.

  • will be filming our first movie, “Committed to Phreedom -From the Pit to the Palace” - A story of triumph over depression - a poetic gospel movie (a poetic movie like Beyoncé’s hip hopera named “Carmen” from 2001).

  • Support the fundraising campaign to help repurchase tech equipment that was stolen from me.

  • Committed To Phreedom is about my journey from nervous breakdowns for 2 weeks in 1998, 1999, 2004, and 2011, in the same hospital as my dad went to for depression, to my successful home renovation and sale and move to Antigua in 2022 at 45 (#phreedom 45!), and investment of the profits to establish the $25,000 scholarship to Phreedom Academy that Vignesh Chavan won to set up our office in India!

  • As president of Dream Livers Club Inc.(registered in 2018 in Canada), and Principal of Phreedom Academy (registered in Antigua in January 2024), I am now living the dream from my grade 5 book, as I planned when I planned my career on a target resume in 1999 after Bill Gates came and spoke to us during my Microsoft Canada work-term (1998-1999).

  • Watch me read the prophetic book from 1988 when I was in grade 5 in front of the 1st phreehouse in my hometown of Pickering, Ontario, Canada that I renovated and sold to pay Vignesh for all of this web development.

  • Those interested in being involved in our club as an author, performer or in being in our movie, should start by investing in our book-course, "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course" at

  • Invest in it to help us fundraise for our movie project, and you can tell us which of more than 30 poems I wrote from 1996-2021 we should include in the movie script!

  • We will include the name of all investors in the book-course in the movie credits as co-producers!

  • Enroll in Phreedom Academy classes and you will be able to audition for a part to get a phree trip to Antigua from our airline sponsor and make suggestions regarding the production!

  • Ever invested in a movie project before for such a small investment?

  • --If not, invest today at and follow our progress on social media on YT, IG, FB, TikTok @ Iamgiftedlikeyou (visit for links)!

  • If you have crowd-funded a movie project before, then you know we are further ahead than most with an entire 25-year legacy book-course complete as background for the movie!

  • We're looking for sponsors and coaches for a world-travelling basketball team we're recruiting for that will travel to eligible tournaments! (stay tuned for other teams and further expansion in the future!) - book me above if you're interested!

  • To contribute funds to our scholarship program as a one-time contribution or on a monthly basis, click here to visit our Give Send Go fundraising page! To customize a scholarship on behalf of your church, school, company or non-profit association please book me here.

  • Register now for our coaching night - A Night of Talent, Talk and Teaching, which we are launching in September!

Method of Curriculum Delivery:

1. Learn from watching video interviews, speeches, training sessions, and poetry performances as I travel around the world. Follow me on IG

2. To apply your learning through self-study, purchase a book-course at, answer the questions and do the exercises.

3. Think Like A Billionaire program life, academic, relationship, scholarship, financial & business strategic planning weekly at Work For Yourself Wednesdays (evenings - or another time if you another time is ideal - we discuss scheduling upon registration), with movie auditions held Fridays at Book a 30 minute meeting for more information before you register to audition.

Think Like A Billionaire Program Learning Objectives

  • Discover the type of work you were created to do and see examples of honest ways to do it online

  • Learn how to choose life partners that align with your values and avoid those who do not

  • Learn how to plan your career long-term with a positive mindset

  • Learn how to unlock your true creative genius and giftedness

  • Learn methodologies to identify generational curses in your family line and ways to break them

  • Learn ways to avoid the wrong life and business partners

  • Learn ways to protect your intellectual property

  • Learn how to reject societal norms common today that are not biblical

  • Learn how to avoid landmines like drugs, pre-marital sex, smoking, drinking

  • Learn how to be your true self, unlocking your creative phreedom to not fear rejection

  • Learn how money works, how to budget, save, invest; manage and get out of debt

  • Learn real estate investing, fix and flips and Air Bnb, and how to find phree real estate advisors

  • Learn the basics of investing, in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, crypo, entrepreneurship etc

  • Learn how to start a successful sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or non-profit

  • Learn how to use the latest in AI - Artificial Intelligence - to plan your career, ministry & business

  • Learn how to get projects in your hometown, leveraging our experience as your senior partner


  1. Watch the videos here in order without distractions, looking up any bible verses referred to.

  2. When you appreciate the value you are getting, invest in our textbook, the book-course, “You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course"

  3. Start to answer the questions and do the exercises at your own sustainable pace while you continue your life.

  4. Apply for a phree $25,000 scholarship when you have completed the book-course and your target resume to be coached by our Phreedom Academy Executive and work with us on your dream.

  5. Book me now to discuss your options, so you are eligible for the early-bird scholarships.


  • Tuition $2500USD, early-bird partial scholarships available for a limited time - book a meeting at if you may be interested in attending (see for all the roles we value).

  • Our Think Like A Billionaire referral program is paying $500 USD referral fees for our first $1000 USD tuition students for Christian life, financial and business coaching (early-bird scholarships take $1500 USD off the $2500 USD price!

  • This means if you get two students to join with you who are investing your tuition will be phree!

  • Classes will be scheduled one or two evenings a week based upon the availability of our first students!

  • Classes will also be scheduled by partner schools in conjunction with business professors

  • Workshops will be scheduled in conjuction with guidance counsellors and college career offices

  • To be first in line for scheduling invest in "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course"

What was your corporate experience before founding the Phreedom Academy?

I am living the dream of traveling the world: So far I have been to Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa and Halifax in Canada with Microsoft, Italy with Moneris Solutions, Jamaica with Fleet Complete, and Costa Rica, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., Florida, New York, Georgia and other parts of the U.S., and Antigua where I retired at 45 in 2022. See most recent photos/videos at and and

Antiguan Student Recommendation, Amare Brown, Belmont Village

Belmont Village

St. John’s, Antigua

I am writing this letter to formally recommend Mr. Jason Humphreys Kinte for any position in your establishment. His philosophies and teaching on entrepreneurship and financial stability on the platform have been revolutionary in changing the lives of so many young people, including mine. As a local student of the program, I can say firsthand that his methods really work and he is very dedicated and willing to go above and beyond to ensure that his students get the correct training and guidance. He teaches unlimited thinking in terms of personal goals and one of his most useful teachings is his target resume where instead of only stating the things you accomplished, teaches to state all the things you wish to accomplish for your life work, thus helping you to map out your path to success. As an owner of three companies, I can say that he’s a very successful and decorated businessman as well as a hardworker, and I believe he would be the perfect candidate to join your establishment and be a valuable asset to you.


Amare Browne 

What was the first thing you wanted to be growing up?
What was the benefit of working for phree on the side?

Students who purchase the book-course and complete it will have the opportunity to get certified to work for us on one of our digital properties/projects, or create books, book-courses or courses of their own to be added to our curriculum like our 21-year old designer Vignesh has (he has made over $13,000 USD so far and partners with us now).

Phree Coaching and Mentorship Example

I met this student playing basketball near the first phreehouse in Pickering, Ontario, Canada in the pandemic before I renovated and sold it for $1 million in 2022. Our book-course helps students get grounded in reality, helps them dispel misinformation so rampant online.

Of what work accomplishment are you most proud?
The Phreedom Academy is global!

We have students, staff and offices all over the world! We started in Toronto (Pickering, Ontario, Canada), opened an Office in Antigua, and Below is the opening of our office in India.

The Phreedom Academy helps you discover and write down God’s plan for your life.
Below is me reading my first book, in grade 5, about becoming the prime minister.

I wrote this in elementary school and I did not realize at the time that it spells out my life’s purpose…to help my people - and that’s ultimately all people I can reach - rise to be healthy, wealthy and wise and live their God-given dreams - so they are set phree to be happy; not be poor anymore.

I can do that online globally; in Canadian politics next decade, and global politics after, sharing the gospel online until I die oeven after through book-courses and websites that outlive me should Jesus tarry.

“My Father” one of over 30 poems inside our textbook.

I performed this, my dad’s favourite poem, at my dad’s funeral after he died of pneumonia on Nov.27th, 2014 with me at his side having just finished reading him the last chapter of the bible about the streets of gold in heaven.

Phree Shares Inc. Business plan/Biblical Parallels: Psalms 1, Psalms 91, Proverbs 1-4, 31

“Maybe I”

I started the Increase the Peace campaign in 2002, when a young black man got shot by the cops and I was scared that could happen to me if I was racially-profiled, and people did not realize my dream was to negotiate peace in the Middle East, which I could do as prime minister of Canada next decade. This poem is one of 30 in our Phreedom Academy textbook, "You're Gifted So Thiink Phreely-The Course."

Is Black That Box?

They Called Me Humphreys, Slave With No Brains...


I originally wrote this on Sept.5, 1998, after my first year at University of Toronto, right before I started my work-term at Microsoft Canada, when I changed the order of my names from Jason Bernard Kinte Humphreys to Jason Bernard Humphreys Kinte, so my references from interning at Microsoft would be under my African last name my father, Bernard Humphreys gave me as my third name, “Kinte”.

I am the slave that got away and took his name back now opening up Phreedom Academy worldwide to set everyone else phree to be happy. I planned my life and my career as God inspired me to and “You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course” has questions after the poems to help you plan yours.

Our corporations stand on biblical principles, stronger than corporate values.
Work First, Play After!

Work First, Play After is how I retired to Antigua at 45.

This work is play for me because it is my God-given dream!

I finished a course with 25 years of my best poetry at 44 years old!

Sept.18th, 2021

Life Principle#1 - ‘Pay Attention’

There is no such thing as ‘smart’ or ‘stupid’, there is just ‘Paying Attention’, and not ‘Paying Attention’. ‘Paying attention’ is ‘phree’ but it is more valuable than any course you can pay for.

Below is me after falling in a hold in Antigua a few years ago, in 2019, when I went to do research for our company trip. This is when I realized the consequences of not paying attention. After filming this I went to the Antiguan hospital and got stitches.

Principle#2 - Believe

“If you need to see it in order to believe it, you may never see it, because you need to believe it in order to see it.”

No giving up on yourself is allowed! Below watch Terry, who I adopted after getting her to work for phree acting in my videos, starring in her first video.

Life Principle#3: Obey the Rules You Set To Set Yourself Phree

Your obedience to rules sets you phree…not the absence of rules…


Pre-engagement counselling/courting/dating rule:

Put Your Worst Foot Forward…Because You Cannot Walk On One Foot….

Pandemic Pick-Up Line Jokes


Putting Your Best Foot Forward IS the Problem, So Stop Doing It

Thinking Phreely About the Consequences of our Actions...

Before You Decided...




Confession Speech


I Already Decided…


I Already Decided What Casket I’ll Die In…


Phreedom From Abuse At Work and At Home...

Escape from the Rat Race at the Phreedom Academy!

Below is me with an actress we paid based near Hollywood, California at our Antiguan office after retiring there at 45 in 2022 with the million-dollar sale of the first phreehouse in Canada and then investing in the Phreedom Academy scholarship program.

Below is ten minutes of a teaching on the Target Resume...

I taught this in Jan.2021 in the pandemic. The book-course helps you discover yourself so you can write your target resume. P.S. Please note I no longer sell or refer life insurance for/to World Financial Group.

Phree Coaching and Mentorship Example

Invest in our book-course for yourself or your kids, church youth, or students at your school. Attend our classes to learn how to write down your personal life purpose, your family’s purpose, your career’s purpose, your businesses purpose and your ministry’s purpose over time using our discovery exercises.

“You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course

Thinking Phreely Results follow...

7 Steps To Entrepreneurship Millions - the 1st million-dollar phreehouse!

Real Estate Investing/House-hacking/Fix and Flipping


  • #1- Learn better study strategies, become a better learner and future earner! You should study under test conditions - at a desk, timed, without distractions like phones, TV, food or the Internet, then take breaks to eat, etc.. Applying the 7 biblical principles that won me 7 scholarships to have great study habits are the principle thing that enabled me to get the highest marks in my elementary school, high school and graduate with distinction from University of Toronto with a B.Comm with one year co-op experience, including 8 months at Microsoft Canada and 4 months at an edtech firm called Centrinity (which went out of business after the founder gave up over 50% of his shares for investment - which I learned not to do unless I was okay with getting fired from the company I started).

  • #2 - Learn how to plan your life, career and an online corporation on a target resume (how you want your resume to look when you are 120/done working), how to win scholarships by applying for ours (even if you don't win), and how to strategize to win other scholarships and grants! On this website you will find a list of scholarship websites you can apply to. Our scholarship is the hardest to win because only two of my students have completed a written target resume using our templates since I, Jason Humphreys Kinte, did when I incorporated Phree Shares Inc. in 1999 and secured the phree brand of websites, which means it helps students prepare themselves to win other scholarships.

  • #3 - Gain financial literacy so you can be financially successful - getting coaching from me - a financial advisor who retired with a million-dollar exit at 45 with my first and last life-strategy book-course, "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course" complete at, and invested in the Think Phreely Gifted Program and the Phreedom Academy, the most advanced and thorough career and online entrepreneurship academy in the world. I started parts of this academy while obtaining my business degree at University of Toronto in 1999 (B.Comm, gratuated with distinction) after working for 8 months an an Anti-piracy Marketing Associate and a Marketing Assistant at an edtech company, Centrinity). Then I went back to work at Microsoft Canada managing 100 Quebec certified partners in English and French, campaigning for the 21st prime minister of Canada, Paul Martin - then I got out of Canadian politics until 2030 when I start working towards becoming prime minister of Canada by 2040). I worked in sales and retention at Moneris Solutions and Customer Success at other software companies until the pandemic of 2020/2021.

  • #4 - Use practical experience working for on strategy and innovation to learn how to grow a tech-start-up without risking your own money. This will give you practical experience taking part in a successful founder's decision-making process, and working with other students, potentially like some of the people you will see living their Dream in the future at taking the Dream Decade Challenge. This practical experience growing a company with serve you well as you plan to live your Dreams at the Phreedom Academy. Our goal is simple but profound: help you to discover and live your God-given dreams.

  • #5 - Use our proven strategies to plan the life of your dreams at least ten years from now, including your personal, romantic, scholastic, career and business life, reading recommended books about love like The 7 Principles That Make Marriage Work by Dr. John Gotman, applying the 5 Steps to Phreedom from Emotional Abuse and Misuse, and if you are single, getting pre-engagement counselling before you get engaged.

  • #6 - Learn unique job-finding strategies you can apply to find the job of dreams online almost anywhere in the world, and then create your dream business that can allow you to work almost anywhere in the world. We help you to use our advanced job-finding strategies to find a job while you learn entrepreneurship strategy and business planning by doing.

  • ​#7- Learn the 5 Steps to Phreedom from Abuse and Misuse including an environment where you can do one year of pre-engagement counselling and learn romantic remote online engagement techniques to properly approach and vet your future spouse to choose the right person to marry out of the billions of people online worldwide. I will also, in my capacity as an ordained minister teach you how to apply the 7 biblical Life Principles that won me 7 Scholarships in 1996, to relationships including dating using the text-book love poetry and other examples from pop culture to have a happy marriage and avoid pre-marital sex and divorce. You will also learn how to apply the 7 Steps to Entrepreneurship Millions to your dream for the decade and target resume! Register for the phree 13 min webinar by clicking here. As a bonus we will also teach you real estate investment strategies like house-hacking, fix and flips with other people's money like I used to sell my house for about $1 million CAD in March, 2022 at its highest value. I bought it to rent out for $512,000 - see I also sold my car at and invested in and travelling the world on planes, trains, bicycles, boats and Uber and reduce my carbon footprint. At times we have held over 100 of the most valuable domains in the world, since we started with in 1999 (and I incorporated Phree Shares Inc. separately to prove we own the phree brand).

  • Our domains portfolio will be available for campaigns and launches with our students, who will aid in our decision-making process of what order to launch websites and campaigns in and how to proceed, making our program one that gives students experience working on some of the most advanced online marketing campaigns in the world - e.g. that gives away phree cars in contests at to promote electric cars for a partner for instance, or corporate trips, without risking their own money or businesses. We will also be producing songs, commercials and short and long movies like we have already to at (songs and commercials for our programs so far; scripts and longer and longer videos, short films and full feature movies gifted students will have an opportunity to audition for). We need singers, rappers, dancers, actors and business sponsors of our phree trips!

  • Program graduates have the opportunity to advance to director status and be certified in their area of expertise expressed in their updated target resume after passing a certification test, which they get to help the president design with relevant criteria, e.g. for instance to be a certified web designer you design websites (like Vignesh our 21-year old designer who has been paid $13,000 USD by us to design websites), to be a movie director you would have to direct movies, to be a certified author you would write books, and a singer, rapper or poet's certification would be based upon their songs, raps or poems and their ability to work cooperatively with the dream team in the program. We will not certify people who do not align with our biblical principles defined in our book-course, “You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course"; for example we won't certify gangster rappers promoting pre-marital sex, illegal drugs and violence.

  • Below are some of the most valuable domain names ever reported (sold by others - Dream Livers Club Inc. owns very valuable domains like - over 15 of the most valuable domains in the world since they are all connected - worth millions if managed correctly as TV continues to become less and less important and the Internet more and more important. We need help to develop these so we need students in our program! (If you are a leader you can also get involved to help teach by getting interviewed on

    1. – $872 million

    2. – $49.7 million

    3. – $35.6 million

    4. – $35 million

    5. – $30.18 million

    6. – $30 million

    7. – $18 million

    8. – $17 million

    9. – $16 million

    10. – $9.95 milliono

High School Students:

Fundraise and Save for your post-secondary education!

Watch this interview with the founder of Litetuition,com!

High School Students - You can start raising money for school with

Testimonials Regarding Scholarships

Kingdom Covenant Ministries Students


Chevon Gilzene

Jason Kinte went above and beyond what was expected when he helped run the Scholarship fund at KCC. He not only worked with the students on how to successfully apply for scholarships, but offered helpful tips on study habits, preparing for university and the importance of maintaining good character. 

Jason consistently worked to help those around him improve themselves and the fruit of his labour can still be seen today. Jason was nothing but helpful during the time we worked together in the youth ministry at KCC. I got the opportunity to work closely with Jason on many projects, events and programs, including the scholarship program. 

This program, which Jason helped bring back to life, was able to help many students. Jason's vision was to equip our youth with the tools they needed to successfully apply for scholarships towards their post-secondary education.

Brianna Brown

I cannot begin to even describe how grateful I am for all the support and dedication that I received from Jason Kinte and the rest of the scholarship team. I applied prior to entering my current university program that focuses greatly on co-op experience in the architectural field. 

With what I have learned from Jason Kinte in the scholarship program, I have been able to successfully market myself and my skillset on various internship applications and find employment. The skills that I have learned have allowed me to make substantial strides in my professional career and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you again, Jason!

Abraham Tennent

The scholarship program at my high school was a godsend. With the program's help, I was able to budget all four years of my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto without going into any debt. I am now in the third year of my Psychology and Criminology program and on track to pursuing my dream of clinical psychology.

Alea Bryant

I’m so grateful for the work Jason and his team has done with the scholarship program, upon applying, I was never taught how to prepare myself for choosing or what qualities committee were looking for in scholarship candidates. I went through the lessons and heard several teachers and leaders talk me through applying and looking for opportunities to which I could get grants and scholarships from those who were ready and willing to contribute to my education. All it took was the right guidance for me to be aware of that. I am honoured to have gained the knowledge I did and so fortunate to be able to pass it on to those who are coming up behind me. I will always be grateful for the scholarships that helped me throughout school and the people who guided me through it. Thank you Jason.

Rene Muir

Before I was never really attentive to how I should be preparing myself when applying for scholarships. But now I know what scholarship committees are looking for in potential candidates, and I can properly appeal to them in my application. The knowledge that I've gained about the scholarship application process will be with me for a long time.


Student Success Specialist / Life and Business Strategist

Jason Humphreys Kinte

  • Teaches the 7 Principles that Won 7 scholarships 

  • ​High School Teacher (English, Math, French, Phys Ed.)

  • Life Strategist / Motivational Doer / Academic Success Strategist / Scholarship Strategist / Business Strategist

  • Developed criteria and helped choose 4 scholarship winners 

  • Taught students in KCM program how to apply for scholarships

  • Awared KCM Influence Scholarship winner over $25,000 in scholarships

  • IT experience (Microsoft, Moneris Solutions, Fleet Complete, Moto Insight)

  • ​Gained financial literacy working for financial institutions including Primerica and World

  • \Financial Group (obtained LLQP license with Primerica)

  • Graduated from University of Toronto with distinction (B.Comm)

  • Studied French at University of Toronto & Université du Quebec

  • Sheridan College Adult education program graduate 




  • 7 Life, Business and Relationship Success Principles That Won 7 Scholarships: You are taught the principles of the Pen's Power Club and how to apply them to your life; to study well - courses and life; so you work better, and make Godly choices as to friends, mentors, suppliers, clients, schools, jobs, businesses you start and your spouse if you aren't married yet (in the bible, the business plan of Phree Shares Inc.( which was also founded in 1999 by Jason Bernard Humphreys Kinte, creator of the Dream Decade Challenge (2010), president of The Pen's Power Club (2011) and president of Dream Livers Club Inc.(registered as a for-profit corporation in 2018, operating as this decade), and creator of the Think Phreely Gifted Program.

  • The most effective learning strategies, learning styles, study and planning strategies and test-taking strategies are used and taught.

  • You are helped to discover your God-given purpose and write it down, which helps you to avoid depression, anxiety, poverty and helps you to be confident enough to not succumb to negative peer pressure. If you do what you were created to do, what you create will do what you create it to do!

  • You get practical experience in the Pen's Power Club, learning how to run a corporation, at online events like and learn from our published work like our life strategy book-course (, before you start your own clubs to gain practical entrepreneurship experience, with guidance from experts interviewed about how they acquired their expertise to live their dreams for the decade at

  • ​Learn how money & currency and credit works; how to earn, save and invest - including an understanding of why we never invested in Crytocurrency, stock valuations, the stock market and how to protect your intellectual property without paying expensive lawyers from me - an expert who put together the guidebook for Microsoft Canada on software piracy and licensing, who has protected his intellectual property successfully since 1999, mainly without paying expensive legal fees (I have used Legal Shield to ensure our strategies are legally sound).

  • Learn how to use wealth-building strategies like house-hacking (buying a house and renting it out - see, how to invest in and fix and flip real estate; which was how the program founder sold his first property for a million dollars to fund the development of the Think Phreely Gifted Program; and how to market using social media - See, and on Youtube at

  • ​Students are assisted in building an actionable strategy to help them to become debt phree, earn more income, and potentially eventually make millions applying the 7 steps to entrepreneurship millions to their Dream for the Decade (and be on talking about their Dream for the Decade).

  • ​Students learn biblical success principles and successful relationships from the best books (over 100 on our high value book list that the president has read and applied to create this program -students do not have to read over 100 books)! Instead buy one book-course at

  • ​Students learn about integrity from the business plan of Phree Shares Inc. (the bible - Phree Shares Inc. was incorporated in 1999 for $1000, and has never charged) and are assumed to be shareholders in God's business (God's business plan is at

  • Students may get active coaching for at least 1 year if they remain in good standing; after this they are expected to transition to a senior by the third year of the program. After 3 years they can apply to be certified in their area of expertise and assist new students (this is all subject to change as needed, and can be cancelled if the program founders or people delivering the services are sick, dead, running for government office or working a job or assignment that makes it impossible to deliver the program, according to the Dream Livers Club Inc. board of directors - or otherwise unable to administer the program, so no contingent liability exists).

  • This means that if students remain in good standing they may be able to remain in the Pen's Power Club with access to the Pen Power Club president or other executives and Dream team members at Good standing as with everything else regulatory, is determined by the Dream Livers Club Inc. board of directors.


  • Ideally students will be adults and Phree Shares Inc. shareholders (request a phree share at to see the book that shareholders believe in)....if students are between 13 and 18 we will ask them to attend with at least one parent and guardian...Students can attend coaching sessions while in high school, college or working full-time for others or themselves. We will choose the applicants who have the best applications with target resumes that we believe give us the ability to assist the student with, so we are able to help them live their God-given dreams this decade.

  • The student can continue to experience the benefits of the program as determined by the board while they remain in good standing as defined by the board of directors of Dream Livers Club Inc.(2018); no contingent liability will exist if service-delivery becomes impossible as determined by the board of Dream Livers Club Inc. at any time.

  • Benefits include learning how to write a book, book-course, market it, sell it online (see for an example), how to collaborate with other authors (see, and how to teach others to do the same. You also have an opportunity to take part in the planning of the Pen's Power Club's travel plans and you can go through the curriculum at your own pace, with the opportunity to be certified if your gifts or field of expertise is something The Pen's Power Club can develop a certification program for, and therefore work on Pen's Power Club jobs in that field for which you are qualified and chosen - e.g. a Pen's Power Club certified copy-editor can be certified in copy editing and referred to someone looking for a copy-editor, or a Pen's Power Club certified rapper or poet could be referred to a company looking to do a promo video for an electric bike or a vacation package to Antigua or elsewhere. We also pick our students first for jobs, like how Vignesh has made $13,000 USD (see his profile at so far developing our websites and validating our program while he discovers his purpose so he can write his target resume and apply for our advanced Think Phreely Gifted coaching program and train others someday (his dream is to immigrate to Canada from India).


  • Full Think Phreely Gifted Program (advanced program)-$25,000 USD full tuition for 12 months or $2500/month. The book-course for self-study only costs $100 USD.


  • Scholarship Application requirements:

    Whether for students or trainers applying to be a future trainer (train the trainer program, which has the same requirements), we require your latest academic transcripts, up-to-date resume, at least 2 reference letters, work references (or links to testimonials if you have a business), and your target resume (what you want your resume to look like when you are 120 or stop working). On an exception basis, especially for older applicants, if your latest high school and college/university transcriptions from years or decades ago are not available, the transcript requirement can be waived upon request. The reason transcripts are still requested for experienced entrepreneurs is because good learners are desired, so they can be good trainers, and even someone with a learning challenge can be assisted if educators/trainers are aware of the students marks in school in different subjects/courses. It also helps them assist future applicants if all students of the Think Phreely Gifted Program have gone through the same application process.

  • All of the student's family members that live in the same household can attend and get personalized coaching once the student is accepted, however they must be listed on the application and be willing to our answer our questions about their dreams and background in order to get coaching. Otherwise they are permitted to watch if approved by us and the student (at least one adult must supervise students between 13 and 18).


The Phreedom Academy curriculum helps you rise to be healthy, wealthy and wise, and live your God-given dreams!

The Phreedom Academy curriculum can be done at your own pace from anywhere online at any time while you are in school, working or doing your business. We believe in Phreedom! You can buy the book-course for the program right now, “You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course” for just $100 USD (except when its on sale, of course).

We will be adding courses from other experts but the prerequisite will be completion of “You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course” so you know how to think phreely first, before you advance to other courses.

If you are an owner or president of a company or an executive or church or school leader, contact us at the bottom of this page to discuss sponsoring a scholarship between $5000 to $25,000 for those who get accepted into the Think Phreely Gifted coaching and certification program, or you can support disadvantaged students on a smaller scale by buying one $100 USD b0ok-course for a family that cannot afford to purchase "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course” for $100 USD, or by giving us a phree gift we can reward to hard-working students in one of the most advanced online academies in the world. Before you apply for the advanced $2500/month/$25,000/year coaching program make sure you understand the curriculum by buying the book-course at and completing it.

Think Phreely Gifted Program 

Think Like A Billionaire Scholarships

You could win up to a $25,000 scholarship for a student and multiple family members to attend for one year, or a partial scholarship for you and your family!

  • Twelve full scholarships are available at a time and we will have a limit of 12 students at a time to maintain coaching quality.

  • Program scholarships will be offered on an ongoing basis-apply at anytime once you have purchased and completed the book-course, "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course."

  • The first year of the program, in 2021, Registration opened July 1st, 2021; 1st round closed July 31st; coaching started August 16th, 2nd round closed September 1st, 2021 and re-opened August 1st, 2022 and plan to run it continuously to recruit and train our directors. One student qualified in 2021 and was being trained to be vice-president/co-founder of Dream Livers Club Inc. which is officially launching in 2030, but resigned in January of 2022. She contributed greatly to the pre-engagement counselling aspect of the program now being one year.

  • Some students may qualify for interviews about their God-given dream for the decade on Set Phree To Be Happy

  • Scholarships will be awarded partially based upon merit & need as determined by Dream Livers Club Inc. board.

  • ​Preference will be given to students who show evidence they are Phree Shares Inc. shareholders (Visit to understand the plan the principal of started studying on Dec.1st, 1986).

  • ​Changes are being made as we partner with individuals, churches, schools and companies to offer these scholarships so details above are subject to change; always as God leads us to keep the program the best online program in the world at helping English-speaking students live their God-given dreams this decade and beyond.


  • Use our support system and textbook to plan a career, marriage and business of your dreams.

  • Web properties we are developing this Decade with student help we have paid over $13,000 USD for so far include the following:, (webshow/podcast), and (which already bounces to a phree video on how to use real estate to fund your God-given dreams this decade, showing the phreehouse we bought we bought for $512,000 CAD in 2016, managed a $220,000 renovation on in the winter of 2021/spring 2022, and sold for about $1 million in spring of 2022 at the height of the real estate book and retired to Antigua in the fall and winter of 2022 and invested the profits in,

  • Book a 30 minute meeting with me at . Professionals should connect with me on at and see my recommendations going all the way back to 2003 when I was number#1 on my team at Microsoft Canada where I managed 100 Quebec certified partners in English and French.

  • Educators, Ministers, Pastors, School Boards, Schools and even Ministries of Education should book me to discuss how you can use our referral program (see the flyer below), or a similar program we can help you create, as a fundraiser for your own education or your school or church or youth group, while helping to educate youth to think phreely and rise to be healthy, wealthy and wise and live their God-given dreams!

Maybe I…at the Antiguan beach, 2024...

Potential filming location, Jan, 2024...

Jason & Terry (Antiguan actress lol), Jan, 2024...

Vision explanation, potential set, Antigua, Jan 2024...

Book-Course Referral Program

“You’re Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course-Referral Program

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Mon, Oct 21, 2024

We help Phree Shares Inc. shareholders (i.e. bible-believing disciples of Jesus Christ, see we bought in 1999) to rise to be healthy, wealthy and wise, to think phreely (, and hire themselves so they can speak phreely against racism, sexism and every other kind of injustice, without fear of being fired or discriminated against at work, and live their God-given dreams (see the 30 second video expressing this near the beginning of this decade here). For all who take the book-course, "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course", answering the questions and doing the exercises in there, this means getting help to live their God-given dreams this decade (discipleship) in "You're Gifted So Think Phreely-The Course" - 25 years of God-inspired work.

Click here to meet with the president of the board (Jason Humphreys Kinte) for 30 minutes more information about attending or teaching at the Phreedom Academy, working for us, partnering with us, sponsoring a scholarship or getting scholarships to be in Think Phreely Gifted Program or the Think Like A Billionaire program classes which start when we have a student enrolled, you can still book at least 30 minutes for phree. Watch and to see many of the positions we are hiring for all decade to know the jobs of the future we prepare you for at the Phreedom Academy. To visit our Give Send Go fundraising page click here.

The Pen's Power Club and Dream Livers Club Inc. -Terms and conditions, Privacy Policy. 2024 All Rights Reserved